The Observer y Mou. Un vídeo resumen distinto del Barça-Madrid. Via RTVE

Algunas imágenes de The Obsever.
Nota: no voy a publicar ninguna imagen de lo sucedido hace un año, porque el tiempo no borrar lo lamentable y patético que fue. Que la multa fuera sólo de 600 euros tampoco ayuda a olvidar.

Vídeo reportaje sobre Tito Vilanova: el genio en la sombra. Twitter de @AlexandraJonson, Youtube de Jonson93

Descripción del vídeo por su autora, Alexandra Jonson
As Josep Guardiola stepped down as coach for Futbol Club Barcelona his assistant coach Tito was handed the job by the board!

But who is Barça’s new coach?

Did you know that Tito is 2 years older than Pep and that the both met at La Masia where they shared a bunk bed or that Tito was Pep’s role modle as they passed through the youth ranks at the club.

You might heard about the magic youth team Barça had some years back containing Piqué, Cesc and Messi.. but did you know Tito was their coach already back then?

I’ve tried to collect the big moments in Tito’s football life in this video, for us all to get to know our coach a little bit better..
